
ホーム書籍・雑誌 > 洋書Pope Francis [洋書]

Pope Francis [洋書] [CTS B752 /#14974]

パウルスショップ価格: 635円(税込)
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A short biography of the new Holy Father.
Amidst the many media reports on the newly elected bishop of Rome and his possible effect on the Church, it is easy to lose sight of who he is and where he really came from. This booklet gives you the facts.
In the brief time that the newly elected Pope Francis spent on the Balcony of St Peter’s to greet his new diocese in Rome, many the world over were left asking who this man was who gave such a great impression of humility and approachability.
This newly written biography tells the story of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s journey from modest beginnings in Buenos Aires, through his studies in chemistry to formation in the Society of Jesus, then as Archbishop in Buenos Aires and finally to the See of Peter.

By:Croos SJ, Dushan
Format:A6 Paperback
Number of Pages:56ページ
Publisher:Catholic Truth Society
