
St.Thomas Aquinas-Summa theologica(5-Volume Set) [エンデルレ書店 /#20026]

パウルスショップ価格: 34,100円(税込)

[在庫数 1点]


The Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas' brilliant synthesis of Christian thought, has had a decisive and permanent impact on philosophy and religion since the thirteenth century. As the title indicates, is a summing up of all that can be known about God and humanity's relations with God. Divided into three parts, the work consists of 38 tracts, 631 questions, about 3000 articles, 10,000 objections and their answers. This complete edition of the work, published in five volumes, was translated into English by the Fathers of the Dominican Province and first appeared in 1911. A revised edition was published in London in 1920, and in America in 1947. The Christian Classics edition, published in both hardcover and paperback, is a reproduction of the 1947 Benziger Brothers' edition.

ページ数:642pages(Paperback book)
発行元:Christian Classics


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