
Patrology / Volume / Johannes Quasten(4-Volume Set) [エンデルレ書店 /#20025]

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This monumental four-volume series places at the disposal of the English-reading public a solid introduction to early Christian literature and the teachings of the early Church. It is the first work of its kind written originally in English. The first volume appeared in 1950. Reviewers were unanimous in heaping praise upon the publication and in looking upon it as a breakthrough in studying the Fathers of the Church. To arouse interest in the works of the Fathers, Johannes Quasten provided numerous excerpts of Patristic writings in English. These selections were designed to show the development of theology in the early centuries and to illustrate the approach of the Fathers to the deposit of faith.

Volume I: The Beginnings of Patristic Literature: From the Apostles Creed to Irenaeus
Volume II: The Ante-Nicene Literature: After Irenaeus
Volume III: The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature: From the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon
Volume IV: The Golden Age of Latin Patristic Literature: From the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon

ページ数:(Paperback book)
volume 1 350 pages
volume 2 452 pages
volume 3 608 pages
volume 4 668 pages
発行元:Christian Classics


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