
Discoveries in Prayer (Paperback) [エンデルレ書店 /#20010]

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[在庫数 2点]


A wonderful guide for all of us who have forgotten how to pray-or never really knew. Fr Hanratty gives a very practical guide to establishing a prayer routine. He starts us off by helping us to review the ""Good Things"" that God has provided-people, experiences, coincidences that have made today a better day. As we become accustomed to this way of praying, he helps us to develop this to look at longer periods of time, and then moves on to ways in which we can communicate our wants and needs to God, as well as our thanksgiving. One of the most enlightening aspects of the book is the way in which the author teaches us to hear God talking to us.

著者:Malachy Hanratty
発行元:Columba Press


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