
Silent Prayer[洋書] [CTS B810 /#15593]

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We are not accustomed to spending time with God, in silence, without any specific words or intentions. We feel more comfortable saying something! We feel we must tell him about the Church's needs, the world's needs, our own needs. Then we feel we have achieved something;we have not wasted our time. Silent prayer obliges us to leave all that to the Almighty. To enter into silent prayer we must leave everything behind. Learning how to pray is possible and a way of living that supports a deep and happy Christian faith.
Fr Andrzej Muszala is a priest of Krakow diocese, professor of bioethics and medical ethics.

By:Fr Andrzej Muszala
Format:A6 Paperback
Number of Pages:72ページ
Publisher:Catholic Truth Society

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