
Ein einfaches Gebetbuch - German SPB [洋書] [CTS D709 /#13706]

パウルスショップ価格: 825円(税込)

[在庫数 6点]


These new prayer books will help bring together in prayer and worship Catholics of different nationalities. They offer a reliable translation of the Mass and some common prayers and devotions, in the familiar CTS pocket-size format, with the English text always set out on the facing pages. Prepared with the help of chaplains serving immigrant communities, these inexpensive booklets are principally designed to help newcomers to the United Kingdom. Catholics travelling to other countries will also find them useful travelling companions. Other language editions are also available, with more being planned.THIS REVISED EDITION USING THE NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE MASS AVAILABLE FROM END OF JUNE 2011.CONTENTS:
Basic Prayers
The Order of Mass
Common Prayers

Number of Pages:96ページ
Publisher:Catholic Truth Society


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